Elevate your brand and grow your business with confidence : book a VIP Fresh Session!

VIP Grow Support

Hey :) I'm so glad you're here!

So you're ready to achieve your goals with a coach in your pocket, that's fantastic!

Why flexible voice coaching?

Flexible voice coaching is the best and most effective method of communicating for day to day life that helps you achieve your goals in real time. It allows me to be MORE available to clients than I can be in one weekly zoom meeting.

It means you have a designer, marketer, mentor and coach in your pocket who is committed to your success. As a designer and marketer I offer suggestions on a range of tools and strategies for your business and goals, and as a mentor I’ll guide you through the process as you take action. As a coach, I’ll walk alongside you to listen, reflect, encourage, offer accountability and challenge as needed.

:: Here's how VIP Grow works ...

  1. Once you secure your place by paying for your first month, you’ll receive a welcome email and access to your private portal with the details on how to set yourself up for us to work together.
  2. We begin with a deeper dive into your goals to design a strategic plan with a planning session over Zoom.
  3. To support you a you implement that plan we connect via the Voxer app where you’ll have direct access to me in real time as you need it.

The daily cadence means I will be available every business day, Monday to Friday, AEST. You can message me anytime, and I will check my messages and answer your questions once a day.

 . . .

The benefits of this style of support over one 60 minute weekly Zoom call are :

  • We can talk whenever and wherever and harness more creativity.
  • We can process situations in the moment (or within 24 hours) vs catching up about it later when the emotion has dissipated.
  • I can help you with decisions as they come up!
  • There is less pressure to make sure we get through everything in one hour.
  • We can chat live back and forth, or leave messages for each other for later.

    The weekly cadence is in the form of one review. I will review one submission each Friday and send you a video or voice message back. This way I can ensure that your goal progress is on track.

     . . .

    There is NO lock in contract, you can cancel anytime before your next monthly payment. No refunds on the month already paid for. There is limited spaces, so when you cancel and want to rejoin you’ll join the waitlist for an available space.

    So there's only one thing you need to do to get started  ...

    Success comes when you #takeAction
    Click the "Let's Work Together!" button below and choose your payment plan to secure your place.

    I can't wait to work with you!

    PS : Got questions, book a FREE Discovery Call. Let's get you answers!

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    Payment Options

     VIP Grow (AUD)
     $400.00 AUD  ( then $400.00 AUD a month )
     VIP Grow (USD)
     $300.00 USD  ( then $300.00 USD a month )

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    Credit/Debit Card
    No payment method needed.

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